Saturday, June 11, 2011

Touring around the World in One Year

I am really glad to know of someone who has the real guts to leave her comfort zone behind and tour around the world via backpacking ALONE, bringing only with her few necessities. I was able to have the chance to listen to her talk before she left. She is now in Tel-aviv,Israel and going to Jordan. Ms Lilianne Cobiao is an experienced backpacker. If you are interested in her travels, she has a website. She is also a bonafide member of couch surfing site. I cannot imagine myself touring around the world in one year, leaving everything behind. Usually after vacationing for two weeks, i would always look forward to coming home. In her case, it will be a year before she comes home. Given the chance to tour the world, I think Europe would be on top of my list of priority, then I would like to visit Kazakhstan, heard they have so much oil there. Then Africa, Brazil, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Morocco, Iceland, Alaska. I would also love to have a tour on a real castle. I already did the Hearst Castle in the U.S. and the Casa Loma in Toronto but I know Castles in Europe are the best. Imagine touring a huge medieval castle with dungeons and long stairways going to hidden moats. It's like transporting yourself back in time.

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