Tuesday, June 7, 2011

cats cats cats

Ever since I was a young girl, I have this close affinity to cats. They are adorable, fun loving and playful. One would forget any problems just by looking at them. They are truly adorable creatures. I cannot understand why some people are so scared of them. In the olden days, when you say "Cat Lady", it implies an old haggard woman with cats as her only companion in life. Cats are very smart as compared to dogs, no offense meant to Dog Lovers. Truly, dogs are too trusting to their owner to a fault while Cats seemed to have their own sense of reservation. They may love you to death but will not show it. In other words, Cats have more pride than dogs. I am talking about Cats who are well fed, living comfortable life and has never seen a real mouse. These Cats, like ours ( 2 siamese and 2 persians) are a bit spoiled but we love them very much. We enjoyed their antics, their games, their quarrels, their quirks and their snootiness. To us, they are our celebrities since we have tons and tons of pictures of them in different poses. Life in our home would be so boring without our 4 crazy cats. The whole family are Cats Lovers and we are indeed lucky to have 2 maids who also adored our cats. They are the ones who bathe them and clean their poos. I make it a point for my four cats ( Lucky, Sassy, Ashley, Ashton) to have their regular medical check ups. The medical expense, the cat food , kitty litter would really put a hole in my pocket but who cares, we just love them. By the way, Sassy is the only female among the cats and most snobbish of all, if I may say so.

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